Learn Coding and Decode Success

Information technology is the industry of the future – that’s as clear as day. Be a part of the crowd that leads us ahead and thrive as a person and a professional on this path.

We can help you find your area of interest. Whether it’s front or back-end coding, you’ll get started easily.

Join us and let’s build the future together!

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We Offer a Selection of Flexible and Relevant Courses.

Flexible – There are no deadlines, missed lectures, and due tests. We designed our courses to fit into your schedule. You won’t have to scramble all your plans just to sit through an online lecture that could have been recorded for everyone’s convenience.

Relevant – We cover several different subareas of coding in our courses. You will acquire theoretical and, more importantly, practical knowledge. Thus, you’ll be more than ready to take on your job search challenges and impromptu interview test questions.

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Choose your area of interest!

Information Security and Quality Assurance Course

This course gives you advanced Node and Express knowledge. You will also gain competency in HelmetJS and Chai.

Responsive Web Design Course

These lessons cover everything from basic HTML and HTML 5 to Basic CSS, CSS Flexbox and CSS Grid.

JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Course

We begin with the Basic JavaScript and algorithm scripting and reach the intermediate knowledge level later.

Front End Libraries Course

This course covers knowledge in several Front End Libraries such as jQuery, React, and Bootstrap.

Data Visualisation Course

A curriculum containing data visualisation skills, from data visualisation with 3D to JSON APIs and Ajax.

APIs and Microservices Course

We offer the basic Node and Express skills, and also practical knowledge of npm and MongoDB and Mongoose.

Coding Interview Preparation

We have compiled this list of the potential interview questions in different areas – from algorithms to Project Euler.



Our all-encompassing
subscription costs


USD/every 30 days

3-days trial period / 2 USD
  • Customisable Studying Pace

  • Valuable Coding Knowledge

  • Interview Practice Tests